Joshua Lovette, Student at Appalachian State University
When writing a professional letter, email, or memo its important that you understand the three steep writing process. As the name suggests it consists of three elements, planning, writing, and completing your message. In the planning stage as I have learned through trial and error its important to analyze the situation or in my case the criteria or the objective your teacher wants you to complete. Gathering accurate information also falls into the planning stage, you need to determine your audiences needs and obtain the information need to satisfy your readers needs.
Selecting the right method for delivering the message; however, if your a student like my self and its for a teacher, you want to submit it in the format they want you to submit it in. The last steep in planning is organizing the information, you want to define your main idea, limit your scope, select a an approach to writing, either direct or indirect, outlining your content is important when writing professionally. Steep number two when is writing the actual email, you want to understand and adapt to your audience.
When writing you want to be sensitive to your audiences needs. You can do this by using a what is known as a "you" attitude, and being polite always helps. Your trying to build a relationship with your audience by establishing your credibility and projecting your or your company's preferred image. When composing the message, choose words that will help you get the important points across as well as help you create effective sentences and paragraphs. Step number three, putting the finishing touches on your message.
Revise the message, evaluate the content and review readability, and if necessary, rewrite for clarity. Producing the message, is important in that you want to use effective design elements and a suitable layout for a professional appearance. Proofreading your message is the most important part of producing a business letter. If you don't analyze, your paper you could have misspelled or worded things differently, thus sending the wrong message to your readers. Distributing the message, your wanting to deliver your message using the chosen method for delivering your message. Making sure all files are distributed successfully.
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