Tuesday, January 27, 2015

40-53 Blog Response

Joshua Lovette, Student at Appalachian State University

There are two types of feedback constructive feedback and destructive feedback. Constructive feedback is meant to be beneficial, to help someone improve, on the other hand destructive feedback, has no purpose other than putting someone down, so its completely useless in the business world. When giving feedback it is important that you make it constructive, focus on the material and how it can be improved. Its important not to insult someone or make them feel inadequate about the work their doing. Instead you want to help them improve. In contrast, destructive feedback delivers criticism without any direction, and does not stimulate improvement. Its basically insulting someone, by telling them there not good at meeting whatever objective they are working on. An example of both, out of my own personal experience was when me and a couple of co workers where promoted to crew trainers at McDonalds. The newly promoted crew trainers where young, I was one of the oldest at nineteen.  And they where in charge of training new employees,  who sometimes where much older than them. The only sixteen year old crew trainer, told another girl she was stupid and incompetent and couldn't even put food in a bag. I intervened and told the young crew trainer Catherine that we needed to talk in the back after work. I took over the young girls training from that point on. I used constructive feedback when I trained her, giving her advice on how she could improve the process.

Many of the social interactions we as business majors will participate in, will occur in meetings. Well ran meetings can help companies solve problems, develop ideas, and identify opportunities. Making meetings more productive, can also be a great way to promote team building through the experience of social interaction. As useful as meetings can be, they can also be a waste of time. If a meeting is poorly ran, you'll have employees who don't wont to be in it, employees on their cell phones and etc. Preparing for meetings can help prevent this, the first thing you want to do is define your purpose, meetings are about reaching decisions, or collaborating to solve problems or identify opportunities. Next is the participants you select for the meeting, you want to invite only the people who really needs to be there. Choosing the venue and time is very important, you want to select somewhere that is not distracting and where all participants can fell comfortable. Setting a productive agenda requires three questions to be answered.  What do we nee to do in this meeting to accomplish our goals? What issues will be of greatest importance to all participants? What information must be available in order to discuss the issues.

Listeners who are effective adapt their listening approaches to different situations. Content listening's primary goal is to understand and retain the information in the speakers message. As students must of us use content listening almost every day in class, when taking notes and trying to retain information. The goal of people using critical listening is to understand and evaluate the meaning of the speakers message. You want to evaluate the logic, evidence, and the validity of the conclusions. Empathetic listening can be used when talking with a friend about their felling's. The goal of empathetic listening is to understand the speakers felling's, needs and wants so that you can appreciate his point of view, even if you don't agree with it. Active listeners users make a conscious effort to turn off their own filters and biases to truly hear and comprehend what the other party is saying.

Nonverbal communication can be a useful asset, there are six types of signals that are particularly important, facial expressions, gestures and postures, vocal characteristics, personal appearance, touch, time and space. Your face is the most important for expressing emotions, it revels both intensity and type of emotion you want to convey. For example, if someone comes up to me crying or frowning I can make the assumption that the person is upset. The way you position and move your body, express both specific and general messages, some voluntary and some involuntary. Your voice carries both intentional and non intentional messages. You can control what you say however, more often than not, you cant control the emotions which your vocal characteristics convey. People respond to other people off of appearances, your personal appearance should convey that you are serious about wanting a job, nice clothes well groomed hair and etc. Touch is an important way to convey warmth, comfort as well as control. Like touch time and space can be use to convey authority, imply intimacy, and send other non verbal messages. 

Business etiquette is an important but also necessary element of every day business communication. Mutual respect and consideration among all participants is important. Nobody wants to work with someone who is rude to colleges or an embracement to the company. Treating others poorly can have a huge negative impact on moral and productivity. Poor business etiquette can chase away investors and consumers, as well as other important audiences your trying to attract.

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